In order to assist the Bengaluru City Traffic Police in various enforcement and regulation activities, the Bengaluru City Police Traffic Warden came into existance on 30-08-1985.
Since then the Bengaluru City Police Traffic Warden Organisation has been assisting the City Traffic Police effectively in all its activities. The unprecendented increase in vehicle population and the tremendous pressure on the traffic Police is shared by the Trafic Wardens since its inception.
The organisation was setup with the following aims and objectives:*To make the road users aware of their responsibilities in respect of road rules
*To conduct road safety and traffic education campaigns in collaboration with traffic police for the benefit of motorists, pedestrians and school children
*To assist the traffic police in directing and regulating the vehicular and pedestrian traffic, whenever requested upon to do so
*To collect or formulate suggestions for improvement of traffic and forward the same to the higher authorities
*To report traffic violations whenever noticed personally by Traffic Wardens to the Traffic Police
*To report other offences committed by drivers of taxies / autorickshaws (such as refusal to go on hire, demanding excess fare etc) to the Traffic Police
*To assist the Traffic Police department in any other activities like organising special drives and
*Traffic Warden, Bengaluru Traffic awareness campaigns in connection with traffic regulation, control and education
*To bring out publicity materials such as hand outs, posters, booklets etc., for public distribution to inculcate safety awareness
*To organise traffic education campaigns and traffic training camps for school children in association with the Traffic Police
Commissioner of Police is the chief patron of the Traffic Warden Organisation. In the organisation, there are Doctors, Engineers, Advocates, Teachers, Bank Employees, Government employees, Business people, Industrialists, IT & BT professionals etc. They have voluntarily joined this organisation with a sole interest to serve the organisation and the public. These Traffic Wardens perform duties in their area twice in a week and few of them through out the week and assist the Traffic Police. They also take part during special duties like Cricket match, Air show, Religious functions etc., and work day and night with traffic police.
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